
Advanced Robotic Technology for Handling Soft Materials in Manufacturing Sectors

This page will contain all public deliverables in the SoftManBot project, ordered by date.

Future Public Deliverables:

M1: Project management handbook

M3: Dissemination Master Plan

M4: Use cases definition and system requirements

M6: Global definition of the software and hardware architectures

M6: Branding, website and social media channels

M6: Data Management Plan

M6, M18,M36: Risk & Opportunities Register

M14: Analysis of multi-modal control strategies

M14: Analysis of task planning strategies

M17: Analysis of HRI planning strategies

M18, M42: Business model and Exploitation plan

M18,M36,M42: Progress Reports

M19,M37,M42: Report on Dissemination and Communication

M24: Analysis of task generalization strategies

M36: First Demonstrator Prototypes

M37: Integration of the SOFTMANBOT system in industrial environments

M42: Validation test campaign and collection of results

M42: Training sessions report

M42: Comparative LCA report for the 4 manufacturing sectors: textile, toy, footwear and tyres.

M42: Report of the SOFTMANBOT‘s users‘ acceptance.

M42: Final Report

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 869855