Month: June 2021

Advanced Robotic Technology for Handling Soft Materials in Manufacturing Sectors

2nd Workshop on Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects in Real-world Applications (RoMaDO-RA)

We are pleased to share with you the open the call for contributions of the 2nd Workshop on Robotic Manipulation of Deformable Objects in Real-world Applications (RoMaDO-RA), which will take place online during IROS 2021 (precise day and format to be disclosed).All information is avaliable on the website: The workshop will feature presentations from Dmitry…
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Workshop on Teleoperation of Dynamic Legged Robots in Real Scenarios

On the 31st of May Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, EU AnDy Project and the SOFTMANBOT project joined forces for the Workshop on Teleoperation of Dynamic Legged Robots in Real Scenarios during IEEE ICRA 2021.This workshop aimed at gathering researchers from legged robotics, teleoperation, and human motions studies together in order to present the latest results in…
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