Decathlon Produzione Italia and Bocconi develop the first economic assessment for SOFTMANBOT project Decathlon Produzione Italia, as an industrial partner of the Softmanbot Project, carried out, in collaboration with the Bocconi University of Milan, the first economic assessment related to the project and a first feasibility study regarding the use of the developed new technology. The purpose was to understand the Economic assessment of the implementation of SOFTMANBOT solutions in toys, textile, shoes, and tyres manufacturing sectors. They have workid with Bocconi University to build a method to easily conduct this analysis. By analyzing some data related to operations, materials used, equipment, productivity and so on, we are studying the economic sustainability of this project with the support of all industrial partners. They are also working on social sustainability, through the analysis of the users’ acceptance: acceptance of workers on the use of the robotic hands, is essential for achieving a best profit from the new technologies adopted in the organization. One additional important aspect is the ergonomics assessment in the use-cases (before and after using the robots) considering workers’ needs; The main objective is to minimize the risk of adoption of this technology in our company, allowing workers to work in a safe and comfortable environment.